A variety of DIY fabric and knitted sensors

[gallery] For all you DIY enthusiast out there, Kobakant has a collection of very useful fabric and knitted sensors equipped with easy-to-understand instructions on how to make all of them. From knitted pressure sensors to conductive pompoms, this collection shows you how to make your electronics out of soft and wearable materials.

From left to right:

Crochet or knitted simple pressure sensors allow you to change the aesthetics of your pressure sensors and run them through the wash (main image). Fabric bend sensor replaces a traditional bend sensor so that you can wash it. Knitted stretchy cable allows you to connect your knitted sensors. Neoprene LED light pouch is a soft and sewable container for your leds. Conductive pompoms replace your wiring with cute and fuzzy conductive yarn. Circular knit stretch sensor changes value when you pull and stretch it.

More on kobakant.at. Photos from kobakant.at.